00 22/12/2012 10:10
Aiutatemi a raccogliere le lenticchielle, quelle buone nel vasetto, quelle cattive nel gozzetto...

"the four year plan".
questo documentario della bbc sul qpr nel periodo della gestione briatore è veramente bellissimo!

When I first saw The Four Year Plan at the beginning of this year, I described it as "possibly the most vivid insight into the running of a football club yet committed to film". The best part of a year on, after seeing it again, there's only one thing I would change about those words: I'd delete "possibly".

I won't pretend to you that The Four Year Plan isn't really about football, in order to lure in those with no interest in the sport. It is. Of course it is. But it's about more than that. It's about what happens when you combine iron will, massive ego and complete ignorance in one person – that person being the Formula One magnate Flavio Briatore, who became a joint owner of QPR in August 2007. It's about the effects of that combination of traits on his employees, his club and that club's supporters – the people who are the reason for any football team's existence, yet so often regarded as unwelcome pests by those inside a club. It's a story that appears to be about catastrophic failure, yet somehow conjures a happy ending.

The Four Year plan – unlike many documentaries – does not tell you what to think. There is no voiceover, no framing of the topic. All you see and hear are the principals, unvarnished and – sometimes surely – unaware of quite how astonishing what they are saying really is. And the one promise I make, regardless of your interest in football, is that you will be astonished.


se volete scaricarlo come torrent, ecco il link:


onore ai tifosi del qpr che intonano il coro: "briatore, this wanker, this wanker!" [SM=g10633]
[Modificato da BeautifulLoser 22/12/2012 10:14]


Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
(Samuel Beckett, Worstward Ho)